IberRadio – Exhibition and Congress Center Lienzo Norte

Avenida de Madrid, 102 · 05001 Ávila

Coordinates GPS: 40° 39′ 37″ N   4° 42′ 24″ O

How to get around Avila:

Radio Taxi Ávila: 920 35 35 45 – www.radiotaxiavila.com
City buses www.avilabus.com


Distances from nearby cities:


Madrid 113 km.

Valladolid 121 km.

Segovia 67 km.

Toledo 197 km.

Salamanca 99 km.

Cáceres 229 km.

129 km. from Madrid Adolfo Suárez airport

A 114 km. . From the main train stations in Madrid (Atocha y Príncipe Pio).

A short walk from the Avila bus and train stations

How to get to Avila | By train

You can reach Avila en short or médium distance trains or even local trains from Madrid – Príncipe Pio station in only an hour and a half.

You can also travel by train from León, Salamanca, Vitoria/Gasteiz, Irun, La Coruña, Palencia, Valladolid, Alcazar de San Juan, Lisbon, and other cities.

Timetables are prices are available at www.renfe.com

Arriving by Plane

Madrid Adolfo Suárez airport is only 129 km from Avila

There are direct metro connections from the airport to Príncipe Pio station, only 28 minutes journey time

Salamanca airport is a mere 50 minutes from Avila and Valladolid airport an hour and a half.

Arriving by bus

Avila Bus station – Avenida Juan Carlos 1, nº 1 (only 10 minutes from IberRadio)

Timetables and prices are available at www.avanzabus.com or www.jimenezdorado.com



6,45 – 8,30 – 10,30 – 12,00 – 14,30 – 15,30 – 16,00 – 17,30 – 19,00 – 21,00

9,00 – 11,00 – 13,00 – 16,00 – 18,00 – 21,00

Sundays and holidays.
9,00 – 11,00 – 13,00 – 16,00 – 18,00 – 20,00 – 22,00


6,00 – 6,20 – 6,40 – 7,00 – 9,00 – 12,00 – 15,15 – 17,00 – 19,00 – 21,00

7,00 – 9,00 – 12,00 – 16,00 – 18,00 – 21,00

Sundays and holidays.
9,00 – 12,00 – 16,00 – 17,00 – 18,30 – 20,00 – 22,00

Arriving by car


Avila can be reached by seven different main roads:

  1. From the north on the A-50 from Salamanca

  2. Also from the north on the N-403 which in turn connects to the main A-6 motorway (Madrid-La Coruña)

  3. Northwest on the A-51 off the A-6

  4. From the soutgheast on the CL-505 from the town of El Escorial in neighbouring Madrid province

  5. From the south on the N-403 from Toledo

  6. From the southwest in the N-502 from Talavera de la Reina

  7. And finally also from the southwest, on the N-110 from Plasencia.